Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Contact your Senator today! Ask them to support HB 120!

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Call the LRC message line to leave a message for your Senator: 1-800-372-7181

What Will This House Bill 120 Do?

This legislation concerning food handler’s permits at farmer’s markets gives farmers more flexibility. The new language amends the current law to allow farmers to receive a temporary food handler’s permit to cook and sell their fresh goods at the market for 6 months. This law gives farmers the flexibility to apply for one permit at the beginning of the market season that will last until the season is over. The bill allows farmers to prepare, sell, and sample their cooked foods at the market for 2 days per week per market.

To view a copy of the bill, click here.

Why is This Necessary?

Under the existing law, farmers could only sell cooked food on a temporary permit for 14 days. At the end of the 14 days, they had to wait another 30 days before they could get another temporary food permit to cook and sell their fresh products at the market.

HB 120 amends KRS 217.125 allowing the health department to issue temporary food handler’s permits for 6 months, forgoing the 14 days on, 30 days off scenario.

To hear what farmers have to say about HB 120, check out the latest CFA NEWS

What’s Happening?

HB 120 was pre-filed before the 2007 legislative session of the Kentucky General Assembly, which is now in progress.

The bill was introduced on the House floor January 5.

Passed the House Agriculture Committee February 7.

Passed unanimously (96-0) in the House February 15.

Introduced in the Senate February 16. Assigned to the agriculture committee.

Urge your legislators to support Kentucky’s diversifying family farmers.

– Support HB 120 –